Where In The World No. 10


Here’s a tough one!

Can you work out the location of this Perth building in this photo? Look closely for some detail on the building which might help you. You may even want to ask an older person if they recognize the writing.

Can you give the exact address or longitude and latitude? Let us know which words you used in a Google search, any other search apps you may have used, and which details in the photo helped you.

EXTRA: What was this building used for in the past? What do you think it is used for now? Can you imagine what it looked like inside then, and what it looks like inside now?

Where In The World? No. 9

mrs mac

Can you work out the location from where I took this photo? Look closely for some landmark buildings and their position to help you.

Can you give the exact address or longitude and latitude? Let us know which words you used in a Google search, any other search apps you may have used, and which details in the photo helped you.

EXTRA: Dig deep into the history of the location from where the photo was taken. Who was it named after and why would this mean anything to us?

Where In The World? No. 8


Can you work out the location of this Perth building in this photo? Look closely for some detail on the building which might help you. Can you tell what kind of place it once was?

Can you give the exact address or longitude and latitude? Let us know which words you used in a Google search, any other search apps you may have used, and which details in the photo helped you.

EXTRA: Dig deep into the history of the name in the picture. Where did it originate?

Where In The World? No. 7


Can you work out the location of this Perth building in this photo? Look closely for some detail on the building which might help you.

Can you give the exact address or longitude and latitude? Let us know which words you used in a Google search, any other search apps you may have used, and which details in the photo helped you.

EXTRA: This building was used for a special celebration on May 1st. Can you work out what it was?

Where In The World? No. 5



This is a nice, tough challenge! Can you discover this mystery location and tell us the new name of the location?

Tell us how you found out. Did you use clues in the picture – these are very important in this challenge.

If you used  online tools, tell which ones you used and any search terms that were helpful.

EXTRA: What has this building been used for in the past?

Where In The World 2022, No. 6


  1. Look closely at the photo. Name at least 3 features which might give you a clue about the location. Tell your teacher before going on to the next question.
  2. Tell us the suburb and city of this location.

EXTRA: Can you find out more about why the sign asks us to slow down?

EXTRA EXTRA: Why might this location be of significance to Ms Lockyer?

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