Clinton’s Walk

We are learning to locate places in our own country.

We are celebrating the journey of Clinton Pryor.


Watch the video on this page.


Learn more about Clinton Pryor here.


In your group,create an Ozobot map showing Clinton’s journey.


Stretch your thinking. Impress us with your synthesising. Leave a comment on this blog post. Tell us anything which surprised you, puzzled you, anything that you noticed, anything that made you change your mind about Clinton Pryor and Clinton’s Walk.

Fire Safety Message

LEARNING INTENTION: We are learning to create an effective safety message.

What can we make our message about? Here are some ideas from DFES:

  • Being alert and aware of unsafe situations
  • Responding to friends when they are being unsafe with lighters/matches
  • Seeking help
  • Staying calm
  • Responding to fire (Home Fire Escape Plan e.g. smoke alarm, crawling low under smoke, meeting at the letter box; Triple Zero) Indicating on a local map the location of safe places

Use the Pages app on your iPad to create an infographic about one of these. Steps:

  • Open Pages App
  • New document
  • Google search for an image to fit your topic. Save, insert.
  • Create a slogan – a catchy sentence for your message. Insert text box for this.
  • Looking good? Try some editing tools to make it look fantastic.

Pasta Cars

Our learning intentions:

Design and Technologies: We are learning to design a contest.

Personal and Social Learning: We are learning to collaborate on a design task

Science: We are learning to explain how forces can be exerted by one object on another

Shipwreck Museum

This term the Year 4 students visited the Shipwrecks Museum in Fremantle. In teams, they explored the artefacts in the Museum, then created movies using the iPad app Book Creator. These movies can be found below. Please leave a comment to give them feedback or to ask them a question about their discoveries.


Akinshola, Sayuri, Christie and Dylan from brette lockyer on Vimeo.

Zoey, Cana, Zoe and Tom from brette lockyer on Vimeo.



A History in Trees

We are learning to …

Students investigate these moments in history, and make a pitch whether their ‘Tree Story’ belongs on the class Capzle timeline. The class Capzle timeline will also include the future: for example, future uses for Sandalwood, future celebrations on the Mrs Dance site. This will entail design thinking and Design and Technologies Curriculum.


Mrs Dance chopping down tree


oak tree in Stirling Gardens

Eastern wheatbelt woodland drive in rAC magazine last year

treetop walk in kings park and walpole

karridale timeberworker’s death

the lolly tree- acacia gum trading between indigenous groups

morrels in wheatbelt

giant log in Kings Park

tree in Star Swamp shows scar from bark cutting by indigenous people

Derby prison tree

lefroy olive trees

proclamation tree

Guildford avenue trees – fight for preservation

My notes:

Critical to get the students themselves to generate questions. I provide sources.

how can students’ passion for history spread to their families?

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