Garage Band on the iPad is a fabulous tool for creating your own music which you can use with integrity in any of your own multimedia projects.
Find a classmate who is an expert in Garage Band. Ask them to be your GB Buddy.
Watch this YouTube clip:
3. Think LOOPS! These are patterns of music that can be joined together to create a catchy song.
4. Aim to create on the iPad as quickly as possible – they are not always available. Keep a note on which iPad you are using.
5. When you are happy with your tune, get it onto your PC. Try emailing it to your PC. (this might take a few minutes, so be patient.) This guide is useful.
6. Plan B for getting your Garage Band song onto your PC: airdrop the song to your teacher’s iPad. They can then send it to you via email OR OneDrive.
Once you have received your song on your PC, use Audacity to make changes, including putting it in a format which suits your project. You will need an extra bit of software called a LAME Encoder. This can be downloaded onto your PC from here.