PROBLEM A: How might we make a cup-and-ball toy for our buddies?

Consideration: Ms Lockyer bought the Venom Kendama toy for her grandchildren. She found out the hard way that it was a bit on the dangerous side for them!


Leave a comment here if you would like to share any design tips to help us all ‘Level Up.’

Task 2:

Check out the slide show of crafty cup-and-ball designs. Leave a comment after watching about how you might change your design.

PROBLEM B: How might we encourage people to use the vertical LEGO cube?

Consideration: Ms Lockyer designed the LEGO cube for Propeller. Nobody has tried out the vertical faces for LEGO building yet!

TASK 1: 

Can you think of any interesting ways how we might promote the LEGO cube?


Coming soon…


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